Happy 35th Birthday, Super Mario Bros. 3. (Plus a tiny scoop at the end.)
Not the game you expected to hear about next, is it? We'll get to Wonder soon, but this is a very important game to talk about. Today marks the thirty fifth anniversary of one of Nintendo's most popular, important and most cherished titles. Super Mario Bros. 3 is where the Mario series established it's core formula, so to speak. Numerous famous power ups, the world map, minigames in order to said earn power ups, the brothers wearing blue overalls, all of that originated here. It's also an absolutely incredible game. It's controls, physics, level design and soundtrack are just fuckin' immaculate. This game hasn't aged a single day since it released, and I'll fight just about anyone on that. The fact that this game released just a mere three years after the original Super Mario Bros. game in Japan is absolutely astounding. Mario 3 feels like it could just be on a different console. The jump in quality was freaking absurd and not something you see ver...