Quick Take: Sonic Frontiers Gameplay.
Hey all, it's been a while, hasn't it? Lots to talk about, but that's for later. So, the big thing finally happened today, and Sonic Frontiers finally got a gameplay reveal, with much, much more to come tomorrow. Let's get into it. First of all, the game is visually stunning. The environment looks lush, I love how there's actual weather conditions. I'm digging the ancient technology vibe of the island. The enemies actually look very interesting design wise. I've likened them to Heartless and Nobodies from Kingdom Hearts. I like how out of place they appear to be. That music, oh my word. It sounds absolutely incredible and I need to hear an extended version of that as soon as humanly possible. No Forces synth in sight, and that's worth celebrating. Lastly, from the small snippet we've seen, the combat actually looks pretty fun, it's as quick and frentic as you'd expect and I'm excited to see how much variation there is. Overall, I ca...