Yes, Switch 2 Has Been Delayed To 2025.


To say the last few days have been incredibly deflating is a massive understatement. 

We were this, and I mean *this* close to having the Switch successor officially announced.  Unfortunately, reports from the major trades have confirmed that the system has been delayed into next year. Those are unfortunately accurate, and that means we're dealing with yet another year of dusty old Switch. It's really, really disappointing, but these types of things just happen. Some of Nintendo's launch window games apparently need more time and I'll always support game developers taking all the time they need. Game development is hard, guys.

This also means every Switch 2 game I have told you folks about will obviously have to be pushed back, as well. 

Nintendo was prepared for this, though. They are sitting on well over a dozen finished Switch games that are ready to go at anytime now. 

As a part of Nintendo's revised schedule this this year, Metroid Prime 4, two new mainline Pokemon titles, and more unannounced Mario games will release this year, alongside a bunch more unannounced remasters. 

All in all, it's a solid way to end the life of their most popular console, and it's a HELL of a lot better than whatever the hell the Wii and Wii U ended with.  

More from me soon. 


  1. Is Nintendo still releasing Fire Emblem 4 Remake this year? Also, Any Zelda Remakes?

    1. You have 4 days to make 2000 dollars.

      This is a challenge from the universe delivered to you via Tate.

      In 4 days, you will have to admit whether you succeeded or failed.

      You cannot lie to the universe and you cannot lie to God.

      Time starts now.

      - Andrew Tate

  2. Watch him lie again about how Nintendo still has F-Zero GX HD and Kid Icarus Uprising HD planned along with some other bullcrap lol.

    1. You think cowardice is your friend,

      You think safety and comfort are your allies.

      You will watch them all transform into regret as you get older.

      Then they will stab you in the heart before you take your last breath.

      I recommend befriending bravery and hardship instead.

      - Andrew Tate

    2. Jeff Grubb affirmed on a stream that both games exist and are held off.
      It's over.

  3. Donkey Kong is almost certainly coming out this year

    EPD game started in 2018 so the specs were designed with switch in mind, plus you have the 30th anniversary of DK Country, and the new DK park

    1. My life is the result of always making the brave choice.

      My track record for bravery is flawless.

      100% hit rate.

      And oftentimes, the logically best choice, is the brave one.

      COVID is the perfect example.

      Brutal logic.


      If I DIED from COVID, everyone was fucked.

      When a multimillionaire in the prime of his life, dies from a virus that is more infectious than the common cold. The world is over.

      The brave choice and the logical choice were the same.

      Go live my life.

      If I die, the world's fucked anyway.

      While everyone else hid in their homes and obeyed draconian commands to stay indoors,

      While EVERYONE ELSE was ready to get anal probed for "the science".

      Me and my brother partied in the only open country in the world.


      When I was offered the coward's way out,

      When I was given offers to sell my soul in exchange for unlimited protection.

      I declined.

      A decision which some may call stupid, but in truth, it was the only logical one.

      I will not sell my soul for "protection"

      Without your soul, there is nothing left to protect.

      I will fight these attacks with my head held high and God willing I will win.

      The result will be the result of the brave decision.

      And bravery has never let me down yet.

      Be Brave.

      Make the Brave choice.

      And watch just how great your life could become.

      - Andrew Tate

  4. Wait, when you say 2 new mainline pokemon games, you mean they are repeating the D/P remakes-Legends situation? That would be weird and surprising

    1. Prepare a map to paradise.

      Car keys to a Ferrari, full tank of gas.

      Even include a snack for the trip.

      And most people still wouldn't bother with the drive.

      "It's too far"

      - Andrew Tate

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. History repeats.

    Throughout history, the population always sleepwalked into and through the biggest tragedies.

    It has always felt "normal".

    A slippery slope.

    A slop designed so that most people don't even notice that they are sliding lower and lower every passing year.

    Are you prepared for 2024?

    Are you prepared for 2036?

    Be honest with yourself.

    Are you going to end up where most people end up?

    Are you doing anything to change that?

    - Andrew Tate

  7. Ah well, that kinda stinks. So close too! Looking forward to your next post!

  8. You have a date for that Jan 2024 Direct?

  9. I am okay with this. I am glad they're taking their time so that early adopters have a system that functions well.


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