A Quick PSA

Hey everyone. It's gonna be a good, fun week ahead. As many of you know, I try keep my blog as friendly and positive as possible. I need to get an annoyance off of my mind. And that is...

YouTubers. Yes, I know you just rolled your eyes. There's a lot to say about them, but I'm not actually here for a wider discussion about them.

It's the bad ones, the ones who spread misinformation and spin false narratives that I want to single out. 

If you see an idiot saying "NINTENDO DIRECT CONFIRMED FOR NEXT WEEK!" 

Ignore them, block their channel.

If you see a nobody on YouTube saying "All of the CONFIRMED games for the Upcoming Direct" with games that are rumored? 

Ignore them, block their channel.

I say this, because you guys know how Nintendo Direct season goes. You give these people an inch, and they take 10 miles. Watch out for bad videos and yellow journalism.

In fact, reassess every YouTube channel you're currently subscribed to, and ask yourself these things:

"Is this good content?"

"Am I learning anything new from these videos?" 

"Does the content creator seem genuine?"

If the answer to all three are "no", remove them. I can guarantee you that you aren't missing much.

To all of the content creators that are actually doing good work, keep it up. The people who appreciate and admire honesty and hard work will find you. 

Here's two rotten apples that I don't recommend to anyone. and I have no problem calling them out for being big pieces of shit:

RGT85 and Dreamcastguy. 

They're rotten, horrible human beings, and they do nothing but cause controversy and stir the pot on their echo chambers of choice for nothing more than money and attention. The two have no other talents other than making gross, shitty, derogatory remarks. DO NOT give them a click, your attention, nor your money. They DO NOT deserve it. 

Especially the former. He's nothing more than an annoying loudmouth. The quicker they get booted off of the platform, the better. 


  1. I'm not a fan of either, but I do hold a particular level of distaste for Dreamcast Guy. I watched him for a very short period of time until he got caught lying about getting the Piranha Plant save glitch in Smash Ultimate. This is only a few months after he made a few videos where he made claims that I found to be likely straight-up lies for content. The first was one where he claimed to coincidentally run into a bunch of drunk Bethesda employees at a barcade right after the disastrous launch of Fallout 76, receiving exclusive insights into the development of the game. The second video is one he did on the Playstation Classic, where he claimed that it caught fire the first time he tried to use it. I'm aware he has been accused of pulling similar stunts since then, but those were instances that occurred when I actively watched his content.

  2. Zippo, please talk to us about info's you have about a New Nintendo Switch

  3. why is rgt bad he seems pretty honest tbh, at least to me

  4. RGT called you out in one of his newest videos. Lol


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