An Irritated Zippo Roasts Fake Rumors.

Hello. I'm back. Before I can get to things I actually want to talk about, there's some nonsense we need to clear up. I hate drama, and this is probably going to be the only time that I acknowledge this shit, but people have been asking my thoughts and I guess it's time to put them out there.  I didn't want to talk about it, but this made me very crabby. 

Let's tackle the first one.

A few days ago, I was made aware of some "rumors" going around, the first video I saw about this came from a YouTuber known as RGT85 (Ugh. Yikes.) covering some alleged report from from a YouTuber named Nintendo Prime about Next Level Games doing the rumored remaster of F-Zero GX.

This is complete and utter nonsense. NLG is doing no such thing. This F-Zero GX remaster is being handled by a Japanese studio. 

Next Level is currently working on three projects, one of which is a follow-up to Luigi's Mansion 3. F-Zero is very much not one of them. This makes literally no sense and how it's gotten this far is mind numbing. It's dumb and wrong. 

Next. There's another alleged report coming from some literal who Famiboards poster with no track record who goes by Professor Chops. They go on to claim that Vicarious Visions was at one point was making a Donkey Kong Game. 

I'm sure you've already figured this out, but this is complete and utter bollocks. Anyone worth their salt should have sniffed this out as being bullshit immediately. 

Even the troglodytes over at Reddit's gaming leaks and rumors discussion aren't buying this. That says something.

Nothing about this makes any sense, the timeline does not remotely line up, and this shit gets even more ridiculous when this dummy goes on to claim that this was 3D, it's very, very clear by the post that this noodle brain has something against the notion of Donkey Kong remaining as a 2D game, claiming that it isn't "ambitious" enough for him. 

If this was "common knowledge" to insiders and people with knowledge on the situation, it would be out there. This is hogwash. Pun intended.

I have some "bad" news for you, Pork Chops. 

Once again. The game is 2D. It'll be a fusion of elements from Country and Jungle Beat. I'm very, very sorry (I'm not btw) that reality is going to smash you in the face like DK's massive fists, but it is what it is. I simply reported what I heard, and I will make no apologies about it.

No, there is no open world DK game in development, and there probably won't be for a hot minute.  YouTubers did what they do best and reported these dogshit "rumors" with no fact checking. Embarrassing.

Also, Nintendo Prime, if this was your strike to get into the world of gaming insiders (something I still don't recommend btw), then you struck out horribly. Try again. 

(This is sarcasm by the way, please don't.)

Basically, TL;DR:

With that outta my system, I'm going to sleep. Goodnight.


  1. The name "Donkey Kong Freedom" alone was a major red flag. Smacks of being a fake rumor name. I'd maybe trust the rumor a bit more if the Vicarious Visions founders leaving to establish Velan Studios lined up with when the DK game was moved in-house, seeing as Velan's first game release was a Nintendo one (when else has an outside studio started out by working with Nintendo). That would make me think that Nintendo followed the founders to Velan, but they left when the DK project was supposedly very early in development, reason to think open-world DK is coming

  2. What's up with Mario? Any games coming? And if yes give us some details about them. Have a nice day man.

  3. Whaha you say you an Insider? You know nothing. You also have a great fantasy

  4. This post is dripping with irony.

  5. Please could you post some proof for your leaks.

  6. Famiboards believe in fake rumors unless it's against you. Typical contrarian detractor culture in inside discussion. 😛


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