Zippo Speaks: E3 2021 Edition.
Hey all, I’m sorry the last few days have been so quiet, but I've been rather busy with personal matters and needed a short mental break post-E3, but now I'm back and feeling much better! Anyway, E3 is all said and done for this year. It certainly was… something, wasn't it? Given the all-digital format, things did go smoothly for the most part, but there were definitely some hiccups here and there. I'm gonna quickly go over the conferences that I saw so we can get to Microsoft. I'll also throw in the Summer Games Fest since it happened during the same time. I'll save Nintendo for an article tomorrow. Stay tuned. Summer Games Fest: It was… alright. Geoff thankfully didn't over promise on this one, so I'm happy I went in with very low expectations. Metal Slug Tactics was a huge surprise, Death Stranding: Director's Cut is cool if you're into that sort of thing, and there were lots of cool-looking indie titles. Honestly, Elden Ring saved this thing ...