A Quick Take On Sonic Frontiers.


Well. Here we are.

The next Sonic game has been revealed, and while I need a bit more time before I can commit to a full article, this is definitely pretty much what we expected. Right off the top, the game looks absolutely stunning. The environments look full of detail and I'm excited to just run around and explore it. I will say, the game doesn't exactly scream "Sonic" to me, so far. You could throw any character in there and it would be the same issue. Morio Kishimoto is once again the director, and that is a huge red flag. Regardless, there's a lot about this to be positive about. Also, Ian Flynn being confirmed as the writer of the game is a huge W and I'm all about it. A Sonic game is going to have a quality story and that's big news. 

I'm somewhat optimistic, but very, very cautious. More soon. 


  1. Aside from Sonic Colors which I liked okay as long as you were going after all the collectables, Kisihimoto being in the director scene I agree is concerning. All of his other Sonic games were simply just not fun. Here's hoping he will surprise us and show that he's learned from his past mistakes to make a truly great Sonic game instead of just an okay one.

    1. Hoping as things go along we see more areas that look more "Sonic like". I am excited that SEGA is trying something very new and daring with Sonic.

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